At the Summit, Mike Davis shared some wonderfully moving letters written by Mary Baker Eddy from the MBE Library. There have been some requests for information about how to obtain the letters.
You can obtain these by calling the MBE Library at (617) 450-7000, and you want the ‘research’ department. When I requested it, the charge was $6.50 for copying and handling fees.
The ID numbers for the sympathy letters are:
L10887 (To Mrs. Grace E Foster: “I have waited for the first sad hours to pass before writing to you….”)
L05613 (To Mittie Whitcomb: “My beloved ones, my soul pleads for your consolations and even peace, pleads that now, in this deep affliction you “acquaint thyself with God and be at peace”….)
The number for the one about readmitting the Nickersons into membership is:
L00075 (“…now, as of old, divine compassion reiterates the tender rebuke: ‘Go, and sin no more.”)
All documents are copyrighted. Cost is 50 cents per page, and $5 handling.