Summit Fruitage

by Sue Krevitt in Santa Cruz

Recently I was included in a Post-Summit meeting of sixteen Christian Scientists–wonderful folks eager to give-and-receive fresh and enlightening ideas on the topic of church–an important subject in all our hearts. There were Journal-listed practitioners, budding practitioners, a CS Teacher… all solid thinkers and doers in our movement, in this ‘place of thought’ called Northern California Church Alive!

With such pure motives, such love and desire to be all we can be in the world, expressing Mind/Life/Truth/Love, the results of this meeting (and other such gatherings going on around this globe) are, and have to be, nothing but GOOD!

I’m offering some thoughts on the topic “Let’s Share More NCCA Summit Fruitage!”

Question: Do I feel that the Northern California Church Alive Summit has brought me closer to my Goal: discovering more of my own (and others’) connection to God?

Lively singingAnswer: Yes.  My prayerful request had been:  Put me in an atmosphere alive with conversation/discussion/idea-flow/ livelymusic/ singing/ sharing/ food/ fun/ art/even dancing!  Help me find out what church can be…expanded waay out … to bring me to a larger place in thought to what church can be, perhaps is, in fact.  My prayers were answered at the summit!  It was all this and more.

Over this past year, my branch church has benefited by the light received at the Summit…the six of us who went are quietly–so far–sharing some of what we got, what changes/improvements/new ways we see might be well-received by our church family/community. These ideas are being prayerfully considered, some implemented (our business meetings are now in the SS, in a circle–more like a family circle than facing-backs-formal).  We’ve used our main auditorium piano instead of the organ a few times.  We are planning a Summit-Sharing Meeting soon, with light refreshments, videos, etc., and possibly asking some who attended the Summit to be presenters. One attendee told me she felt “transformed” by the Summit weekend!


Question: Why did I need 700 other people (Summit attendees) to help me feel more of my (and others’) connection to God?

Answer: For now, I want the connection and assurance from others that I am on the right track by staying on a spiritual path in this “very material world.”

Question: Why did I take part in the hundreds of emails and phone calls, etc., over 7 months to help host and staff the Summit last May?

SharingAnswer:  Although it was demanding, I have been rewarded with feeling good about using my God-given talents to help out in this way.  I interfaced during the six months planning with 18 of the finest Christian thinkers and doers in our region, was inspired and uplifted by them, and more grateful than ever to be part of the CS movement!  (And others worked much hard than I did, btw.)

Question:  What are some of my reasons to continue being involved with Post-Summit Discussion Groups?

Answer:  Because I/we will continue to need each other for support, for networking, for inspiration and fresh ideas,  for a while yet.  The energy from the Summit is still strong, still vital!  This work is the activity of divine Mind in our midst, the outpouring of Love in this “human realm.”


While God’s provision may not be the biblical loaves and fishes, clearly the sharing and love at the Summit and the Post-Summit meetings, on our website (, in our emails and other conversations are all part of Love’s manna-of-today.   Let’s feast!

I love learning that Truth is not abstract, impractical, ineffectual!  It is solid substance, here-and-now stuff we can use today.

For instance?   Go to…

Here’s great info on how to join in the discussion ~ Re-visit the Summit videos ~ Contribute your ideas and ask your questions ~ Find out how others are renewing church services ~ be a more effective Sunday School teacher… and this site is growing, and will grow with your help!

A Church Liaison Group now forming is to keep our connection going…to bring and get information–like vital fertilizer!—to our church activity. The 77 CS churches and societies in the northern California region are rich resources for cross-pollination!   (At the Summit, we used the analogy of gardening, seed-sowing, weeding, the Tree of Life, roots, etc.  I think this is a great way to illustrate what we are doing, don’t you?)

I send you warm thoughts for ever-increasing joy and healing, as we go forward together on this great pathway of Life.

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