Faith and Ecumenical Discussion Group Conference Calls

The Faith and Ecumenical Discussion Group holds an informative conference call on the first Sunday evening of the month at 7:30, hosted by co-coordinators Brian Talcott and Marilyn McPherson. We share our questions and experiences and learn of new activities happening in various ecumenical and interfaith groups in the area. An important development is the launching this year of an Ecumenical Workshop for Christian Scientists from the Manager of Committees on Publication.

The Ecumenical Workshop Flyer, defines ecumenical as:Ecumenical flyer

“…Christians searching for unity in response to Jesus’ prayer that we be one.” (John 17:21)

We encourage readers to visit Circle of Faith regularly, where the latest post is headed “Have you wondered what is the true high goal of ecumenical dialogue? It is to heal the hatred, conflict and division within the Church Christ Jesus founded.”

The conference calls are open to all.

Next call: Sunday, Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m.
Dial-in Number: (661) 673-8600; Participant Access Code: 327950#.